Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good school , Good graduate


Sent to you by Bhargaw via Google Reader:


via Prep4Civils by Bharath Vaishnov on 11/23/11

Calls for changing the parameters for ranking of educational institutions, However the summary  concentrates only on the problems India faces because of its higher education sector.

  1. Come the admission season and news papers, TV channels, magazines are filled with analyses and rankings of educational institutions
  2. Most of analysis is focused on inputs i.e., faculty, infrastructure etc
  3. The criteria of evaluation is superficial and divorced from national perspectives
  4. The contribution of India's leading higher education institutions to its social capital is minimal
  5. Interests of elite take precedence over urgent needs of a vast majority
    1. For ex: in medical field, vast majority of Indians suffer from preventable diseases . yet our medical colleges focus on specializations that have little relevance to Indians. As a result, top graduates from our colleges end up as misfits in India and move out of country in search of greener pastures
  6. Our education system imparts its students with content specific knowledge. There is no inter disciplinary approach
  7. This prevents inculcation of new lessons from life outside campus

Way ahead

  1. Courses must be tailored according to local relevance
  2. Institutions must reexamine vision and mission
  3. Education imparted by an institution should be evaluated form following dimensions
    1. knowledge acquisition
    2. training of mental abilities
    3. character development
  4. Institutions should be periodically reviewed and assessed

Possible questions

  1. higher education reforms
  2. questions on foreign education institution bill

Sources: Photo :  Link


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