¨ The dynasty was founded by Chandra Gupta Maurya in 322 BC. He captured Punjab that he had weakened by Alexander. Later he defeated the Nanda ruler of Magadha, Dhanananda after a very difficult war. They he conquered the whole of the country except the extreme south. Chandra Gupta or Sandrokottos also defeated Seleucas Nicator, the Greek ruler of West Asia in 305 BC to 303 BC. Many areas of West were handed over to Chandra Gupta. The diplomatic ties were set up. A greek ambassador Magasthenese was appointed in the court of Sandrokottos. A greek princess entered the Mauryan Court. Chandra Gupta became a Jain Monk and joined the discipleship of Bhadrabahu. Chandragupta went away to a place Sravanbelgola in Mysore where he died due to jain method of starvation.
¨ Bindusara was the successor of Chandragupta Maurya. He was also known as Amitraghata. He maintained the ties with the west Asian Greek Kingdoms. He was a follower of Ajivika religion. He ruled between 298 BC and 273 BC.
¨ Asoka, the Great became the Mauryan emperior in 273 BC. He claimed glory by suppressing a revolt in Taxila in the time of his father. The coronation of Ashoka took place in 269 BC after a gap of four years. In 261 BC Ashoka suppressed the revolt of Kalinga. The sufferings of the people in Kalinga was changed the heart of Ashoka. He voluntarily relinquished the warfare. In 258 BC, Ashoka became a convert to Buddhism. In 151 BC, Ashoka called a council at Pataliputra. Ashoka proclaimed the policy of peace. He issued certain reforms in the state policy. He undertook certain measures to the welfare of the people. It all involved in the huge expenditure that made the government almost bankrupt. The martial spirit of the army declined. The state did not retain the strength to face the challenges coming from the North-West in the from of Indo-Greek invarious.
¨ Asoka’s edicts were issued and inscribed on the rock surfaces and pillar surface. They were issued in Prukrit and Brahmi. They give us the fair idea of the expense of the Mauryan Empire. Ashoka maintained the links with the Greek Kingdom of West Asia as also with kingdoms of South India which are all mentioned in his 13 th Rock Edict. He spread Buddhism to Sri Lanka, Burma and other countries. Asoka died in 232 BC. After his death the Mauryan empire collapsed in a rapid manner. Some important Mauryan Emperors were Jalauk, Samprti, Brihadrath. The Last Mauryan Emperor Brihadratha was killed by Pushyamitra Sunga.
31.12.1600 Queen Elizabeth granted charter or monopoly of Eastern trade for 15 years to E. I. Company.
1608 First attempt to establish factory in India by arrival of Captain Hawkins in 1609.
1612 Jahangir issued firman permitting English to establish a factory permanently at Surat.
1619 Sir Thomas Roe remained at Jahangir’s Court, secured several privileges.
1611 Factory of British East India Company.
1626 Factory of British East India Company at Arma gaon.
1632 Firman by Sultan of Gulkunda allowing free trade to the English.
1639 Francis day obtained lease of Madras from ruler of Chandragiri to built fortifiet factory i.e. Fort St. George.
1633 Factories at Hariharpur, Balasore in Orissa.
1651 Factory at Hugli under Mr. Bridgeman.
1651 Sultan Shuja issued firman granting comp. privilege of trading freely.
1672 Firman from Shaista Khan.
1680 Firman from Aurangzeb.
1690 Job Charnock returned to Bengal and East English Factory at Sultanauti.
1691 Firman by Ibrahim Khan successor of Shaista Khan granting exemption from custom duties.
1696 Owing to rebellion of Sobha Singh (Zamindar of Burdwan dist) Eng got an excuse to fortify new factory.
1698 Granted Zamindari of 3 villages Sultanuti, Kalikata, Govindpur.
1700 Eng factories in Bengal under separate control of President and Council establish – Fort William. Sir Charles Eyre – first President of fort William.
1715 William Hamilton cured Emperor Farrukh Siyar’s.Painful disease, issued firmans – free trading in Bengal.
1716-17 Firman which greatly furthered their interests, otply described as ‘Magna Charta of Company.’
l While congress in thick of battle. III round table conference met in London Nov. 1932 once again without congress leaders.
lSimon Commission’s Report provided basis of the conference and discussions led passing of Act.
lAct significant firstly biz provided groundwork for negotiations that led to final transfer into Indian hands.
lSecondly some of its provisions well so well drawn up that they well laqter found suitable for inclusion in constitution.
(i) Establishment of an All India Federation based on Union of Provinces of British India and Princely States.
(ii) Bicameral Federation Legislative (States given disproportionate weightage).
(iii)Representatives of states not to be elected by people but directly by rulers.
(iv)14% of total population was given right to vote.
(v) Governor general and Governor appointed by British.
(vi)Special powers + Veto legislative action + own legislation powers to Governors.
(vii) Federal pact of Act was never introduced but provincial part was soon in operation on 1st April 1937.
Act could not satisfy nationalist aspiration; condemned by nearly all sections unanimously rejected by congress.
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